Wednesday, March 9, 2011

it's a club, it's a resort, it's paradise, it's a GYM?!

I was looking through my March 1st newsletter from Interior Design Magazine and discovered the most intriguing space. This is the first image I saw...

Naturally my first thought was "wow that's a really cool disco ball, I would love to go dancing at that club!" But the title of the article said "Look Better Naked"so then I was curious! Once I opened the article I was informed that this sweet little space was actually a gym. Um Hello! How cool is that! David Barton Gyms are located in NYC, Chicago, Miami, and Seattle, each of them are different and each of them are equally fabulous!  





Who ever said a gym had to look like a gym?!
I'd say it looks more like a gem.

*Photos courtesy of and


  1. Pretty fabulous huh?! I think we should plan a trip to check it out :)

  2. I would probably stick to my workout plan a lot more if this was the place I worked out in.
