Sunday, March 27, 2011

a true test of patience...

So for about the past 2 months I've been working feverishly on my studio project, which is to design an office space for a publishing company. I've devoted practically every waking moment to this project, and since I've pretty much cut sleeping out of my daily routine, my "waking moments" are numerous.

Each semester we tend to add a new program to our never ending list of tools to aid us in creating beautiful spaces. The latest is IDX Renditioner which is a plug-in for Google SketchUp. There are no words for the level of joy this program brought to my life upon its initial installment. But in the past couple of days we have developed a STRONG love/hate relationship. Using this program is a true test of patience, of which I've found I have little to none.

Around 6:00 a.m. this morning I finally decided that this particular space was as good as it was going to get and it was time to do a final render in IDX so I can move on to perfecting other spaces and the tedious work that still is to be done in photoshop. I hesitantly clicked "presentation render" and set my alarm for 12:30 p.m. Only to find that when I woke up 6 hours later no progress had been made. Perrrfect. (My fellow peers will understand my frustration.) So I decided to start it over. My computer has been "rendering" this specific space for the past 4.5 hours and it's about half done...patience is wearing thin, and I still have 4+ spaces to to do between now and Tuesday. Definitely time to stock up on the RedBull, 5 Hour Energy, and Starbucks!

So while I can't show you a final image of what I've been working on I'll give you a glimpse of what is in the works...

SketchUp image before IDX Renditioner, of the Mezzanine in the office space that is occupied by a library and exhibition space upstairs and the kitchen/break room and a small conference area downstairs.  

Preview IDX Renditioner image (pre-photoshop)

Here is also an image of the Reception Area of the shoe company I worked on last semester, that I recently redid for my portfolio.

I'm back to playing the waiting game while Jack Johnson plays in my headphones...Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...


  1. Chas, this looks gorgeous. Like really! Fabulous job. Sorry for the frustration. I'm in the same position. I slept while one of mine rendered last night.

  2. great job!! these look fantastic!

  3. Thanks Jessica's! The final one just finished and I think it's a keeper.

  4. Ok... you are ridiculous. I love your renderings (how do you keep the drive to try so hard!!!) You've been in school an entire year longer than I have been and you have 100x more drive than I do... I need whatever youre on :) You are VERY talented and I know you will go VERY far!!! great job!

  5. Ashli, honestly I'm not sure where the drive comes from because most days I feel like I've lost it all. I just pray that it all pays off in the end.
